Ōzume (大詰め - The Final Stage)

Dec 6, 2018 06:44

My research is about to reach a stage called 'ōzume' (大詰め).

'Ōzume' means the final stage or phase of something.

'Ō' (大) means "big," and 'zume' (詰め) means "fill," "infill," or "checkmating" in Shōgi (将棋 - "Japanese chess").

Originally, this term meant the last stage/chapter in historical Kabuki Kyogen (歌舞伎狂言 - "traditional Japanese dramas performed by male actors").

Later, 'ōzume' has come to be used not only in Kabuki but also in common situations as a word to mean the final stage/phase of things.



「大」は "big"、「詰め」は "fill" や "infill"、もしくは将棋などにおける "checkmating" を意味します。


No. 1 toshokan's correction
  • My research is about to reach a stage called 'ōzume' (大詰め).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Ōzume' means the final stage or phase of something.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Ō' (大) means "big," and 'zume' (詰め) means "fill," "infill," or "checkmating" in Shōgi (将棋 - "Japanese chess").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Originally, this term meant the last stage/chapter in historical Kabuki Kyogen (歌舞伎狂言 - "traditional Japanese dramas performed by male actors").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Later, 'ōzume' has come to be used not only in Kabuki but also in common situations as a word to mean the final stage/phase of things.
  • Later, 'ōzume' has come to be used not only in Kabuki, but also in common situations as a word to mean the final stage/phase of things.
Excellent English!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)